Our Church Outreach

"To be honest, Outreach to me has always been living the Great Commandment. Loving God with all our heart and mind and loving your neighbor as yourself."
-John Albright

Ian's Statement Here with his photo
-Ian McClain
-Michell Tucker
The Church of the Messiah strives to share God’s love and provide an ongoing Christian presence in our community as we help those who are in need and less fortunate than us. Opportunities are everywhere to make a difference in peoples lives such as by replacing a wheelchair for a disabled person, providing a vehicle for the senior citizens center so they can distribute their meals on wheels to the senior citizens, providing clothing and household needs to a family whose home was virtually destroyed by a fire, providing enjoyment in terms of special food for the women in the home for those women who are unable to live alone, and providing for the needs of teachers, nurses and counselors who are working in stressful classroom situations.
Dog Extravaganza
We also care for the animals in our community by supporting the cat/dog shelters. Blessing of the Animals and the Dog Extravaganza are two events that take place.
The parable of the mustard seed has been played out recently in Gonzales. Ian McLain, a young man of Gonzales, was volunteering at the animal shelter when he said that what was needed was a good fundraiser for the shelter. He suggested a Dog Extravaganaza; where dogs could come and take part in all types of dog activities; People with their dogs would gather like an old time county fair. The Grounds of the Episcopal Church of the Messiah looked idea and the church agreed to host the event. Many organizations, such as the Gonzales Noon Lions Club, and other local individuals, rallied behind this program.
Tha day was a huge success with many in attendance, enjoying themselves. It was a grand day! The event raised close to $10,000 which made it possible for the Dog Shelter to apply for the $20,000 GVEC Power Up Grant. Since being awarded this grant, the kennel plans to add on and update their current property. From the small seed of Ian's idea, the shelter is now prospering. Praise God.
Gonzales Christian Assistance Ministries (GCAM) is addressing the needs of our community while sharing God's love. GCAM is housed on the Church of the Messiah property and we also help support financially and with volunteers on a regular basis.708 St. Louis, Gonzales, Texas 78629
(830) 672-5566